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We are neighbors, friends, and community leaders who are committed to "service above self."


Rotary provides members with business and leadership development, cultural awareness, education opportunities, true friendships, service opportunities, and FUN.


The Mission of the Matthews Rotary Club is to support and carry out the duties and responsibilities of Rotary International by:

Fostering unity (FELLOWSHIP and COOPERATION) among member clubs both locally and internationally.

Serving the Matthews Community in promoting worthwhile projects and charitable good works, and cooperating wherever possible with other Service Clubs.

Advocating, teaching, and living an example of “Service Above Self” we will strive to communicate to the Community the Ideals of Rotary.

Reaching out and gathering into membership those of like mind in the Professional and Business World who Practice the Four Way Test and adhere to the Objectives of Rotary International.


The Vision of the Matthews Rotary Club is to propagate peace, goodwill and harmony among the Matthews and its surrounding environs and to exemplify and promote “Service Above Self” in order that our community might attain the highest degree of perfection in its governance of human, environmental, economic, cultural, spiritual, and political development.


The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The “test” has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings. Of the things we think, say or do:

  1. Is it the TRUTH?

  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

  3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?

  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Guiding Principles

These principles have been developed over the years to provide Rotarians with a strong, common purpose and direction. They serve as a foundation for our relationships with each other and the action we take in the world.